About Shannon

Shannon MitchellShannon is an expert communication design strategist with an amazing visual eye, who creates and understands brands and inspires people. She can handle virtually any communications format, and is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and dig in as a hands-on designer.

While working with Wachovia, Shannon launched the creative services department, hiring and directing the creative team responsible for producing core marketing materials, and custom print pieces for universities and colleges throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. She collaborated with her team to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve accuracy without compromising design quality. As a result, the team received an overall sales satisfaction of 6.5 out of 7 and an external customer satisfaction score of 3.9 out of 4. In addition, Shannon teamed with marketing executives and sales managers to increase market share by 15 percent.

Using the experience gained at Wachovia, Shannon expand her branding and marketing knowledge by establishing herself as independent marketing and design specialist for small businesses, design firms and advertising agencies throughout Sacramento. A challenging feat as she wore several hats, but her vision to spread brand awareness and help businesses succeed out weighed the obstacles. She has worked with Wiley Design, tmdgroup, inc., Toby Briggs Designs and InHarvest. Projects include: branding of Jitterbug, EdFund and FIVE; advertising campaigns for California Highway Patrol and the Department of Transportation; Logo design for Grateful Dog daycare, FIVE, and L&B Laboratories; web development for Zinfandel Grille, Grateful Dog and Citrocasa.

With a desire to invoke positive change, Shannon teamed with J.D. Wheat Veterinary Orthopedic Research Laboratory at University of California, Davis and the California Horse Racing Board to launch the Racing Injury Prevention Program. Working alongside Dr. Susan Stover, Shannon designed and developed eLearning modules that educate trainers and veterinarians on identifying signs of weakness, possible injury and guidelines for rehabilitation in equine athletes. By leveraging efforts of communication and presentation with CHRB, the modules generated statewide enthusiasm resulting in the detection of pre-existing conditions in several California racehorses, which allowed for rehabilitation.

Community is what holds us together and gives us pride, that is the reason Shannon regularly coaches and/or manages local Special Olympic athletes and volunteers for committee’s and charity functions. Spending an evening with someone in need gives a whole new perspective on life and it’s challenges. She is grateful for the compassion and kindness the community has shown her son and proud to contribute.

Whether the project is big or small, Shannon always comes to the table with vibrant enthusiasm. While her passion is creating, her love is the success achieved through building lasting relationships and friendships with the clients and team members she works with.